Tree planting

This morning, I read an article from Sin Chew Daily called “Ride for a thousand miles, Achieving planting dream". In this article, one man named Mohammad Tajeran ride around the world for 732 days. His mission is every country or place he arrived, he will plant a tree in the school where he go. His website is

For me, tree planting is like when driving a car where we go to the wrong path of a journey, now we are making a U-turn and go to the correct path.
Plants more trees will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increase the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.
Besides that, tree planting will also reduce greenhouse gases and thus slowing down the rate of global warming.



  1. Anonymous said,

    Yes! we all have to plant more trees. Save Mother Earth to save Mankind...

    on December 14, 2008 at 7:07 PM  

  2. bikaran said,

    It was wonderful to see that article made someone thinking. it is what I am looking for and you as a a person who will make future is too important. if you take care of planet ( what we and our parents didnt ) then there would be a hope for Earth to breath again and be happy again.
    You are a good friend of Earth....Thank you

    Mohammad Tajeran

    on December 30, 2008 at 7:07 PM